Deluxe Tele-Extender – #93643
The Deluxe Tele-Extender for Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes is
a hollow tube that allows you to attach a camera to your
telescope, with an eyepiece installed. By using the Deluxe Tele-
Extender in combination with an eyepiece, you can increase
your instrument’s effective focal length to well over
10,000mm! And this corresponds with a matching increase in
image size. This technique is known as eyepiece projection
photography. The following formula can be used to determine
approximate effective focal length:
EFL = Telescope focal length/Eyepiece focal length x DF (the distance from the center of the eyepiece
to the film).
The Deluxe Tele-Extender is used for high-power lunar, solar and planetary photography as well as for
extreme terrestrial photography. It fits over the telescope’s eyepiece (even large eyepieces such as
those in Celestron’s Ultima line), and connects to the visual back of the telescope. Optional
counterweights will be necessary to properly balance the telescope when using the Tele-
To use the Deluxe Tele-Extender, remove the diagonal from your telescope and insert an
eyepiece directly into the visual back. Place the Tele-Extender over both the eyepiece
and the visual back, then attach your 35mm SLR camera to the back of the Tele-
Extender, using a T-Ring. The Tele-Extender’s built-in safety device will help
prevent your eyepiece from becoming accidentally dislodged.
There are a few things to keep in mind when using this accessory. First, the
image you’ll see through your camera’s viewfinder will be upside-down.
Secondly, due to the extremely high magnifying effect afforded by
this accessory, extra care to prevent camera and telescope vibration,
accurate polar alignment and use under good seeing conditions
will all assist you in capturing high quality images.
Piggyback Mounts
Celestron’s Piggyback Mounts are a great accessory for all observers
interested in deep-sky astrophotography, particularly beginners. These
mounts allow you to attach your camera, with its lens, to either the
top or side of the telescope, making it possible to shoot with a normal
or wide angle lens while guiding through the telescope.
One model fits the C8, C9
", C11 and C14 telescopes and mounts to
the rear cell of the telescope. The C5 model includes a weight set and
mounting hardware to attach the camera to the telescope’s piggyback
Piggyback Counterpoise – 5" [93603]
Piggyback Mount – 8", 9
", 11", 14" [93598]
T-C 16mm Adapter – #93636
This valuable adapter converts video cameras, (or 16mm film cameras)
with removable lenses from the standard “C-mount” thread, to the
larger T-thread used in still cameras. Thus, any of these cameras can be
converted for use with a telescope.
To adapt a C-mount camera for use with a Celestron instrument, first
thread the T-C Adapter onto the camera, next thread a T-Adapter onto
the T-C Adapter, and last, thread this assembly onto the rear cell of
your Celestron instrument.
Please note that some film and video cameras use standard still camera lenses, and therefore
use a normal T-Adapter and T-Ring. Check your camera’s instruction manual for more detailed
Visual Back