Fishing Theory
Fishing With Your Downrigger
Release some line from your rod and reel so that
the lure is anywhere from 5 to 100 feet behind the boat.
This is called drop back. Attach the fishing line firmly
into the line release. Place the fishing rod in the rod
holder and reel up the slack so that your rod has a slight
bend in it. When a fish strikes the lure, the line will sepa-
rate from the release. Then you will be free to fight the
fish and bring it in on your rod and reel.
The Positive Ion Control System
Your boat has an electrical charge around the hull in
water. If a boat is properly grounded and has a proper
zinc anode, that charge should be slightly positive when
measured from ground to the downrigger cable. Positive
Ion Control (PIC) is the use of electricity to control that
charge and its fluctuation so that it is always maintained
at a specified set voltage.
The practice of setting up and maintaining a slight
positive charge on fishing gear has been used by com-
mercial fishermen for many years. This practice has en-
abled some fisherman to increase yield when used
along with other good fishing and boating practices.
Cannon's electric downriggers offer fishermen a big
advantage in being able to stabilize and control the posi-
tive charge around their boat. Because of the composite
construction of the frame, Cannon downriggers are insu-
lated from your boat's hull charge.
When the stainless steel downrigger cable is low-
ered into the water, the natural ionization between the
cable and the boat creates a positive charge of 0.7 to
0.9 volts in saltwater and 0.3 to 0.6 volts in fresh water.
This natural voltage is dependent upon salinity and min-
eral content of the water. Your actual voltage may vary.