
4.2. Ad justing the suc tion pipes
The suc tion pipes have to be ad justed ex actly to en sure troublefree op er a tion.
1. Set the suc tion pipes to their home po si tion.
At home po si tion the in ner pipe of the suc tion pipe pro trudes
about 120-160 mm (4.72-6.30 in) from the outer pipe at the
top end.
2. Start a con vey ing op er a tion.
Con nect the unit to mains sup ply by the de vice plug.
3. Ob serve the flex i ble hose at the suc tion pipe.
The flex i ble hose must not show any pul sat ing move ment.
4. Ob serve the flex i ble hose at the sep a ra tor.
The con vey ing hose must only move dur ing in-feed.
If the con di tions (points 3 + 4) are not met:
Pull the in ner pipe fur ther out of the outer pipe un til there is no more jerky con vey -
If the con di tions (points 3 + 4) are met:
Push the in ner pipe slowly into the outer pipe un til pul sat ing of the flex i ble hose or
shock con vey ance oc curs.
Now pull the in ner pipe slightly back again un til the hose stop pul sat ing.
Se lect a set ting be tween the two pipes to en sure that enough air can flow into the
ma te rial pipe.
Once you have reached a sat is fac tory con vey ing re sult turn the wing screw at the
suc tion pipe tight.
Putting into op er a tion 28