
6. Tech ni cal data
Ba sic Ver sion
Con veying hop per made of stain less steel
In te grated high per for mance fil ter
Au to matic fil ter clean ing
In te grated con trol ler for clean ing
Per for mance
Hop per loader ca pac ity
SSP 5: approx. 5 l (0.28 cf.)
with ex ten sion mod ule: max. 15 l (0.53 cf.)
Typ i cal con vey ing ca pac ity
SSP 5: up to 250 kg/hr (550 lbs/hr)
with ex ten sion mod ule: 400 kg/hr (880 lbs/hr)
Op tional Fea tures
Ex ten sion mod ule
Tech ni cal data 30
Di men sions and data wit hout ob li ga ti on. Di men sions in mm. (in.). Spec i fi ca tions may be sub ject to al te ra tions.