
Plea se ob ser ve that the length of the hose should not ex ceed 3 m (9.84 ft.) Push
the free pipe end into the fle xi ble line to a depth of ap prox. 4-5 cm (1.67-1.97 in.)
Con nect both parts by me ans of a hose clamp.
5.4. Suc ti on pipe
The suc ti on pipe con sists of an in ner (A) and an ou ter pipe (B) which can be off set
against each ot her.
Push the free pipe end into the flex i ble line to a depth of approx. 4-5 cm (1.67-1.97
Con nect both parts by me ans of a hose clamp.
Please ob serve that the length of the hose should not ex ceed 3 m (9.84 ft.)
Plea se check that the ou ter pipe is not co ver ed as it pro vi des for un hin de red ac -
cess of am bient air.
When con vey ing from si los, ma te ri al hop pers and sto ra ge
con tai ners, a suc ti on box with 1-3 suc ti on pi pes is re qui red.
Suc ti on pipe
As sem bly in struc tions 5-3