
4.6. Clea ning/re pla cing the fil ter car trid ge
Stop the con vey ing pro ce du re.
Switch off the con vey ing sys tem at the main switch.
In ter rupt the mains supp ly.
Set all com pres sed-air li nes at zero pres su re.
The con vey ing ca pa ci ty is di mi nis hed by a clog ged fil ter car -
trid ge.
Loo sen the screw con nec ti on on the fil ter
hou sing (A).
Re mo ve the hou sing lid (A).
Loo sen the screw con nec ti on on the fil ter
car trid ge.
Re mo ve the fil ter car trid ge.
Re pla ce the fil ter car trid ge.
Use com pres sed air to blow through the
fil ter car trid ge from the in si de to the out si -
Cle an the fil ter hou sing. Use lint-free clea -
ning rags.
Main ten an ce 4-8