
4.4. Te sting the con duit sys tem
De tach the fle xi ble line from the con nec ted ma te ri al take-up as sem bly.
Clo se the open end of the line with your hand.
Start a con vey ing pro ce du re.
Wait un til the va cu um ge ne ra tor be gins to ope ra te; af ter this, the hand should be -
co me sen si bly at ta ched by suc ti on wit hin a few se conds.
If no va cu um can be felt, the line sys tem has a leak.
Stop the con vey ing pro ce du re.
Wait un til the blo wer has come to a stand still.
Switch off the unit.
Check the line sys tem and seal the lea ka ge.
Re-con nect the con vey ing line.
Te sting the con duit sys tem
Main ten an ce 4-6