
3. Start-up
3.1. Ge ne ral
This chap ter is di rec ted at the ope ra tor of the equip ment.
This chap ter as su mes ge ne ral skills in dea ling with con vey ing
units and SPS con trol units.
This chap ter as su mes that the functio nal des crip ti on has been
read and un ders tood.
It should be en su red in each and every case that the ope ra tors
have the re le vant skills.
Ex plo si ve ga ses and mix tu res of gas and air must not be con -
vey ed by the va cu um ge ne ra tor. So lid par ti cles and dust must
be se pa ra ted be fo re en try to the va cu um ge ne ra tor.
Check the com pres sed air supp ly if pneu ma tic val ves are
pre sent (5-6 bar (72.52-87.02 PSI) sys tem over pres su re).
Check whet her the plas tic stop pers have been re mo ved from
the suc ti on pipe of the va cu um ge ne ra tor.
Check that the on/off swit ch is in po si ti on ”OFF".
Ge ne ral
Start-up 3-1