
Uninstall LINDY Crystal Optical Mouse driver:
Click Start on the task bar and from Program Files select Perfect Series.
Select Uninstall Crystal Optical Mouse 3.0.
Once the drivers have been uninstalled select the correct drivers for your new chosen mouse.
Software Installation for Mac users:
Plug the USB connector directly in to an available USB port. There is no need to Shut Down your Mac.
Insert the CD in to the CD Rom and choose Crystal Optical Mouse.
Click on the install button.
After installing the drivers restart the Mac.
Applying the Software for Mac users:
Select the Apple logo and select Control Panels and then select Mouse Power.
Once the Mouse Power is initiated you may change the Left and Right click and the Wheel to the users
preference. There are 11 functions available to choose from.
Uninstall LINDY Crystal Optical Mouse driver:
Insert the CD in to the CD Rom and select Uninstall Mouse Driver.
Click Uninstall.
Once Uninstall has finished Restart is recommended.
Once restarted the Uninstall is complete.