Installation Guide for the Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Version 5.2
Chapter 2 Installing a PIX Firewall
Software Installation Notes
Step 4 If you are using Windows, use the rawrite program to put the Boothelper image on diskette. A sample
rawrite session follows:
C:\pix> rawrite
RaWrite 1.2 - Write disk file to raw floppy diskette
Enter source file name: bh521.bin
Enter destination drive: a:
Please insert a formatted diskette into drive A: and press -ENTER- :
Number of sectors per track for this disk is 18
Writing image to drive A:. Press ^C to abort.
Track: 78 Head: 1 Sector: 16
If you are using UNIX, use the dd command. For example, if the diskette device name is rd0, use the
following command:
dd bs=18b if=./bh521.bin of=/dev/rd0
Step 5 Get the TFTP server working on a host in your network and add the PIX Firewall binary image to a
directory accessible by the server.
Step 6 Connect a console to the PIX Firewall and ensure that it is ready.
Step 7 Put the diskette containing the Boothelper in the PIX Firewall and reboot it. When the PIX Firewall
starts, the pixboothelper> prompt appears.
Step 8 You can now enter commands to download the binary image from the TFTP server:
a. If needed, use a question mark (?) or enter the help command to list the available commands.
b. Use the address command to specify the IP address of the PIX Firewall unit’s interface on which
the TFTP server resides. You can abbreviate this command as a.
c. Use the server command to specify the IP address of the host running the TFTP server. You can
abbreviate this command as s.
d. Use the file command to specify the filename of the PIX Firewall image. You can abbreviate this
command as f. In UNIX, the file needs to be world readable for the TFTP server to access it.
e. If needed, use the gateway command to specify the IP address of a router gateway through which
the server is accessible.
f. If needed, use the ping command to verify accessibility. If this command fails, fix access to the
server before continuing. Use the interface command to specify which interface the ping traffic
should use. The Boothelper defaults to the interface 1. You can abbreviate the interface command
as i.
g. Use the tftp command to start the download.