
16 You are in a Call and like to Transfer it
key/menu, you also will be able to use this comfortable operation (see
manual of the telephone). If you are requested to enter the telephone
number using the T-Net function, you will have to enter the Exchange
Line Access Number
0 in case of external calls. The PBX supports also
internal or Short-Code Dial Numbers as telephone numbers.
The acknowledgement tone during parking changes to the busy
tone after approximately 3 seconds. That does not mean that
the parking failed. If you hear the busy tone unconditional instead of the
acknowledgement tone, the parking failed and you will be reconnected
to your calling partner after some seconds. Perhaps in this case the
service feature „Parking/Terminal Portability“ is not supported by your
public exchange.
The function key „Parking/Terminal Portability“ of ISDN telephones on
the internal S
port is not usable here. This key will park the call on the
internal S
port not on the external S
COMpact 4410 USB and COMmander Basic: Only an external call
made on the 1st external S
port can be parked (e.g. in order to take it
over with an ISDN telephone that you are using in parallel to the PBX
on the same NT). But the transfer is much more convenient for the
hand-over to internal telephones (see chapter You are in a Call and like
to Transfer it on page 16).
Transfer Calls with preceding Announcement:
If you like to transfer
a call to another calling partner, you will interrupt the current call for a
Query to the other subscriber. The 1st calling partner is put on hold in
the background in the PBX and listens to the Music on Hold. After talk-
ing to the second subscriber and announcing the person to be trans-
ferred, you simply hang up the receiver. Then both of your previous talk-
ing partners are connected with each other.
Blind Transfer:
If you like to transfer an external call to another internal
telephone, you will interrupt the existing call in order to call the internal
subscriber. The 1st calling partner is put on hold in the background in
the PBX during this time and listens to the Music on Hold. Instead of
waiting for the 2nd connection, you can hang up the receiver during the
calling. The internal telephone is called further on.
Open Query:
If you like to transfer an external call to a yet unknown
internal target (because you do not know the location of the requested
person) you can use the „Open Query“. With this function you can trans-
fer the external caller to a previously defined internal number first. The
caller will be on Hold in the PBX (duration may be configured via con-
figuration program COMset
as duration of blind transfer) and hears the
Music on Hold. Now you can search the requested person e.g. by an
announcement and ask him to take the caller. The person can take the
caller by a Pickup of the previously used number.
Transfer to a 3rd calling partner:
Supposing that you took an addi-
tional call out of a call e.g. a waiting call (you are already connected to
two subscribers) and this second calling partner likes to be connected
to another person so you are able to start a third call. The 1st as well as
the 2nd calling partner are put on hold on in the background.
It may happen with some ISDN telephones that your telephone
rings after hanging up and that you are reconnected to your 1st
calling partner if you pick up the receiver. Please check the operation
instructions of the telephone whether the „PBX Transfer“ is activated
on. Please try to configure this problem, if necessary.
An external call can only be exchanged to an internal subscriber if the
necessary call authorization mode was configured for this telephone
with the configuration program of the PBX.
Other internal Telephones are ringing (Pickup if you are in another Call)
g(F) 6 ng
Take call for single telephone (Pickup)
(No. 1)
(ignore with
pulse dial)
6 and internal number of the ring-
ing telephone
Query call (No. 2)
Parking external Call on the external S
Port (For Point-to-Multipoint Connection only)
Park call in the public exchange
external call via 1st. external S
port (ignore with pulse dial) acknowledgement tone
b f (**) 68 g
Unpark a Call
every internal telephone internal dial tone (for Direct Exchange Line Telephone only) conversation
You are in a Call and like to Transfer it