
Filter Policies
7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide Page 393
within the specified range, the priority can be disabled, lowered or raised.
Default none
Parameters return-value — Specifies the SNMP value against which the test result is matched.
Values A maximum of 256 characters
return-type — Specifies the SNMP object type against which the test result is matched.
Values integer, unsigned, string, ip-address, counter, time-ticks, opaque
disable — The keyword that specifies that the destination may not be used for the amount of time
specified in the hold-time command when the test result matches the criterion.
lower-priority prioritySpecifies the amount to lower the priority of the destination.
Values 1 — 255
raise-priority prioritySpecifies the amount to raise the priority of the destination.
Values 1 — 255
Syntax url-test test-name
Context config>filter>redirect-policy>destination
Description The context to enable URL test parameters. IP filters can be used to selectively cache some web sites.
Default none
Parameters test-name — The name of the URL test. Allowed values are any string up to 32 characters long
composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $,
spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.
Syntax return-code return-code-1 [return-code-2] [disable | lower-priority priority | raise-priority
no return-code return-code-1 [return-code-2]
Context config>filter>redirect-policy>destination>url-test
Description Return codes are returned when the URL test is performed. Values for the specified range are the
return codes which can be given back to the system as a result of the test been performed.
For example, error code 401 for HTTP is “page not found.” If, while performing this test, the URL is
not reachable, you can lower the priority by 10 points so that other means of reaching this destination
are prioritized higher than the older one.
Default none