
Page 392 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
Description Redirect policies can contain multiple destinations. Each destination is assigned an initial or base
priority which describes its relative importance within the policy. If more than one destination is
specified, the destination with the highest effective priority value is selected.
Default 100
Parameters priority — The priority, expressed as a decimal integer, used to weigh the destination’s relative
importance within the policy.
Values 1 — 255
Syntax snmp-test test-name
Context config>filter>redirect-policy>destination
Description This command enables the context to configure SNMP test parameters.
Default none
Parameters test-name — specifies the name of the SNMP test. Allowed values are any string up to 32 characters
long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $,
spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.
Syntax oid oid-string community community-string
Context config>filter>redirect-policy>destination>snmp-test
Description This command specifies the OID of the object to be fetched from the destination.
Default none
Parameters oid-string — Specifies the object identifier (OID) in the OID field.
community community-stringThe SNMP v2 community string or the SNMP v3 context name
used to conduct this SNMP test.
Syntax return-value return-value type return-type [disable | lower-priority priority | raise-priority
Context config>filter>redirect-policy>destination>snmp-test
Description This command specifies the criterion to adjust the priority based on the test result. Multiple criteria
can be specified with the condition that they are not conflicting or overlap. If the returned value is