
8 Alcatel-Lucent 5750 Subscriber Services Controller
Key Features and Benefits
Centralized Management
of Subscribers, Services
and Resource Policies
The Alcatel-Lucent 5750 SSC pro -
vides a highly scalable and flexible
policy-management framework that
enables centralized and dynamic
control over subscribers, services
and network devices. The platform
manages an integrated repository of
subscriber account information and
user credentials, user device profiles,
service profiles and network resource-
policy definitions. This information
is externally accessible through open
interfaces to allow integration with
external subscriber data-management
systems, such as IMS home subscriber
service (HSS), and the service-control
functions of application middleware
(e.g., IMS application servers or IPTV
The Alcatel-Lucent 5750 SSC base
product contains a broadband policy
server that acts as a centralized policy-
decision and orchestration point for
the end-to-end access, aggregation
and IP transport network, evaluating
on-demand subscriber requests for
access to network-based services
and content.
The dynamic assignment of IP
address es to user devices is controlled
with predefined static or dynamic
address pools that are managed using
DHCP or RADIUS (combined with
the DHCP or RADIUS server con -
troller module or external servers).
These same network-access protocols
or element-management system (EMS)
plug-ins for multitechnology and multi -
vendor network integration can be
used to coordinate the real-time
deploy ment of service-control policies
and enable dynamic, on-demand
policy modification.
Subscribers may trigger these
modifications (e.g., dynam ic service
selection or upgrade) using a self-
service web portal based on:
• Service-metering policy events
(usage metering and triggering
• Application or network events
(e.g., VoD session request, DPI
virus detection alert)
• Timer expiration (e.g., end of
service trial period)
With service components, subscribers
can mix and match video, voice and
Internet service packages and create
personalized triple-play service bun -
dles. These capabilities give service
providers many options for simply and
cost-effectively creating differentiated,
and user-centric services in a simple
and cost-effective way.