i need directions to change the time & turn off alarm on my watch

Asked by chani on 10/20/2009 13  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 3 months ago

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6 To change military to standard time Hold down mode and adjust at the same time for a few seconds to go between two times--
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4 Ok i finally figured out how to turn the alarm off if you have the watch with the 4 buttons (mode, stop/start, adjust, and indiglo) First look at your watch and see if it has the alarm (little bell) and hour chime(which looks like a pacman) If it has both 1.hold down the adjust button and press the start/stop button twice If it has just the hour chime 1. hold down the adjust button and press the start/stop button three times
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3 Setting the Timex 1440 Sports WR50M This model (WR50M) has four buttons, from left to right, top to bottom: 1) Set; 2) Start/Stop; 3) Mode; and 4) Indiglo. To set or change the time: Press and hold Set and Start/Stop simultaneously; the seconds will start to blink Release both buttons Use Mode button to toggle through to Hours, Minutes, etc. When desired number (such as Hours/Minutes) starts to blink, use Start/Stop button to change number When done, hit Set or mode
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