after i remove the slotted screw, there is a recessed white non-metalic ring with a hole in the center through which the threads on the slotted screw pass. this white ring blocks the battery contacts which are not visible. i do not know how to remove this white thing. the method for changing the compass battery on the os 54 1 is extremely simple,i.e., take out the slotted screw and put in both batteries with positive side up. your help is much apprecisted sam costanzo phx,az

Asked by sam on 02/21/2011 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 13 years, 10 months ago

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0 I just spoke to Tasco about the battery. After removing the screw on top with a coin, the whole cap on top comes off. It takes a little effort because it's water sealed, but gives you access to the battery.
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