Very old tent but still OK - have lost instructions

Asked by sandra on 06/29/2010 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 6 months ago

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0 Hi, I have just bought this Lichfield Wayfarer tent from ebay and the outside went up great but the inner tent is a mystery. I can't get it to fit. I am wondering if the inner does not match the outer but it seems same age and style etc. Any suggestions gratefully received. Emma Wannabe retro camper x
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0 Hi, I have just bought this Lichfield Wayfarer tent from ebay and the outside went up great but the inner tent is a mystery. I can't get it to fit. I am wondering if the inner does not match the outer but it seems same age and style etc. Any suggestions gratefully received. Emma Wannabe retro camper x
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