I replaced the battery, but it still does not work. What could be wrong. The old battery was definitely dead

Asked by Suleman on 11/11/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years ago

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3 Just had the same problem, you need to short the gold terminal accessed through a hole adjacent to the battery marked 'AC'(marking on metal plate that secures the battery), several tries may be required to get a clear display. See the following web site for info on battery change on the G-shock model which is similar
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0 Just had the same problem, you need to short the gold terminal accessed through a hole adjacent to the battery marked 'AC'(marking on metal plate that secures the battery), several tries may be required to get a clear display. See the following web site for info on battery change on the G-shock model which is similar
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