The ECM (Ethernet Communication Module) is a serial to ethernet converter
that enables CEM serial communication devices (such as the S600s reader range,
InfoProx reader and the DCM 150), to connect to the AC2000 central system via an
Ethernet LAN.
A chain of up to 16 RS485 CEM devices can be connected to a single ECM (up to a
maximum distance of 1.2 KM). This provides a cost effective means of connecting
groups of serial readers to the AC2000 system from a single Ethernet point.
Simply load the software & configuration file supplied on the CD, and enter the
network details.
Ethernet Communication Module
dropping up to 16 CEM serial
devices on one chain
RJ45 connection
Tibbo Device Server Toolkit
to support existing CEM legacy
installations that use NCN’s
the CEM serial devices and the
AC2000 Lite controller or the
AC2000 SE Ethernet reader
controller (RTC)
Ethernet Communication Module