BZNP-100 Ver.2.00 Quick Start Manual 3-748-162-11(1)
Try to create the following demonstration program.
Overview of This Manual
This Quick Start Manual explains how to carry out the most basic operations of
the Sony BZNP-100 series Network Player Management Software. The
contents include the essential setup that you have to do before starting to use
the software, and how to create a small demonstration program as shown on
the right. You can create the same program by using the following sample
materials that are copied to your PC when you install this Quick Start Manual.
Sample Materials and Playist:
• Video (AVI and NSP format files)
Video_Sample_1, Video_Sample_2, and Video_Sample_3
• Graphics
Graphic_Sample_1, Graphic_Sample_2, and Graphic_Sample_3
• Text
Text_Sample_1, Text_Sample_2, Text_Sample_3
• Playlist
All the materials and a playlist needed to play the demonstration program.
Some of them may not be used in the procedure.
Note on Viewing the Online Help
During operation, pressing the F1 key on the keyboard displays information
(help) related to the window/dialog box currently having the focus.
To see task-oriented information, click the Help Topics button or the "Table of
Contents of This Help" link in the online help window.
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