STEP 10:
Stake down tent by inserting a stake through the
wei_bingloopat each fly comer and each in_
stake loopon the tent. Hammer stakes Into the ground
at a 45° angle, by using a hammer or mallet. Make
sure to pull tent out even and tight.
Tent should appear as shown.
If youchoose touse yourtent fly as a canopyonly,
youmaydo soby omittingSteps8 and9. Stake
downflycornersandguyoutthe fly forextra stability.
Your tent includes a divider curtain that can be
hooked into the center of your tent to divide the tent
into two morns.
Conveniencepocketsare providedfor storing
STEP 11:
Guyropesare providedforwindyconditions.Tieguy
ropetothe looplocatedat eachuppercomerofthe
fly and stakedown witha loopmade withthe slider.
Adjustsliders as necessary.
To take down tent, follow above steps In the reverse
order. Be sure to leave tent unzipped. Place stakes
into stake bag, which is provided.
Fold fly and place on top of tent. Fold tent into thirds
lengthwise toward the door. At opp_ite end of the
doors, start a small, tight rolland roll toward the doors.
Once rolled, tie a stdng or rope around tent to hold
into place. Slide the tent, frame and stakes Into carry
bag. Make sure tent is clean and dry before storing.