Integrated Solution for
Automating Business Forms:
B6300n Digital Mono Printer and
Suite 5 Software
Smart Forms Solution
The smart combination for quality and savings
Oki Data Americas, Inc.
2000 Bishops Gate Blvd.
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054-4620
Tel: 800.OKI.DATA (800.654.3282)
Fax: 856.222.5320
2735 Matheson Blvd. East
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 4M8
Tel: 905.238.4250
Fax: 905.238.4421
Latin America and Mexico
2000 Bishops Gate Blvd.
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054-4620
Tel: 856.231.0002
Fax: 856.222.5071
Printed in the USA
Smart Forms Solution
For details on B6300 Series Digital Mono Printers and
supplies from OKI Printing Solutions (including OKIcare
Extended Service Programs)
, please visit our Website:
Or call: 1.800.OKI.DATA (800.654.3282).
SOURCE: CAP Ventures
SOURCE: PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC)
Assumes conservative average handling cost of $0.61 vs. $1.26
Available in the U.S. and Canada only.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
© 2006 Oki Data Americas, Inc. OKI Reg. T.M., M.D., M.R.,
Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. On-Site logo, 7-Day/24-Hour logo
T.M., Oki Data Americas, Inc. Objectif Lune and design, PlanetPress
and design Reg. T.M., Objectif Lune Inc. Adobe, PostScript Reg.
T.M., PostScript 3 T.M., Adobe Systems, Inc. USB I/F logo T.M.,
Universal Serial Bus Implementers Forum, Inc. Energy Star Reg.
T.M., U.S. EPA.
Ordering Information
Description Part Numbers
Includes Printer with Compact Flash
installed and PlanetPress
Suite 5 Software
License (with 1-Year PlanetPress Care):
B6300n Smart Form Solution 91632404
B6300dn Smart Form Solution
with duplexer (2-sided printing) 91632406
Suite 5
PlanetPress WATCH – allows you to
automate the processing, distribution
and printing of content documents;
includes 1 year of PlanetPress Care 72007501
PlanetPress Search – a plug-in to Adobe
Acrobat and Acrobat Reader, this query tool
turns a PDF repository into a warehouse
of accessible data; includes 1 year of
PlanetPress Care 72007503
PlanetPress Image – enables PDF, TIFF,
JPEG and optional AutoStore-compliant
image generation to automatically email
or archive your transactional and
promotional documents; includes 1 year
of PlanetPress Care 72007502
PlanetPress Fax – enables direct output
to a fax modem or to a fax server from
host computer with no human intervention;
includes 1 year of PlanetPress Care 72007504
PlanetPress Design Tool – allows you to
create your own forms; includes 1 year
of PlanetPress Care 72007505
Cost Analysis
Start with the number of forms your business
goes through—both issued and thrown
away unused—in a year, and the enormity
of the cost savings you can realize with our
Forms Solution becomes clear.
• Forms represent about 83% of all business
documents. The typical global enterprise
uses 400 complex business forms on
average—any of which are suitable for
process improvement.
• 15% to 33% of pre-printed material is either
thrown away due to processing errors or
simply because it’s out of date. E-forms can
be amended or updated virtually on the fly.
• One single-page, pre-printed 8.5" x 11"
form (black & white) costs about $0.017,
compared to $0.006 for an e-form printed
on a sheet of cut paper—a $0.011 per-page
• With multi-part forms the cost advantage
is even greater for e-forms, since blank
pre-printed, multi-part forms usually range
from $0.06 to $1.25 apiece.
• The average processing costs for an
electronic invoice is $0.36, compared with
$1.26 for a paper invoice—a cost advantage
for e-forms of $0.90 per form.
• The typical costs for processing a
pre-printed multi-part form
Distribution $0.05–0.15
Pre-processing 0.08–0.25
Error correction 0.20–0.50
Data entry 0.15–0.30
Storage or scanning 0.12–0.30
TOTAL $0.60–1.60
• Total fully-burdened cost
Filing a paper document $20.
Finding a misfiled document $120.
Reproducing a lost document $220.
• Additional reasons to consider e-forms:
– 3% of filed paper documents are
filed incorrectly
– 7.5% of paper documents will be lost
by the time they need to be retrieved
– 90% of all the time spent dealing with
paper documents involves merely
handling or shuffling them as opposed
to actually working with them
• Here is an example of the potential savings
accrued by using the integrated e-forms
solution from OKI Printing Solution rather
than pre-printed forms and dot matrix
– 100 locations; 2 printers each location
– Each location prints 130 2-part forms
per day @ 5% coverage
– 20% of pre-printed forms are wasted;
no waste with electronic forms
– Processing the average form is reduced
from $1.26 for a pre-printed form to $.36
for an electronic form
– Costs based on 3 years, include purchase
of equipment
Based on the above, this company could
spend up to $10 million
over 3 years
using standard multi-part forms—while
the integrated e-forms solution could cost
only $7 million, a $3 million savings!
To learn how this integrated e-forms solution
can streamline your company’s document
management processes and reduce
costs, contact your OKI Printing Solutions
representative or visit our Website at