Quick Start
G54/N150 WiFi USB Micro Adapter
Model WNA1000Mv2
2. Click the Setup button .
The Soware Update Check screen displays.
3. Install the setup soware.
You have two options:
• Connected to the Internet. If you are connected to the Internet,
click the Check for Updates button. Aer the soware checks
for updates, the Update Check Complete screen displays. Click the
Continue button. The Welcome screen displays.
• Not connected to the Internet. If you are not connected to the
Internet, click the Install from CD button. The Welcome screen
4. To accept the license agreement, select the I agree radio button and
click the Next button.
A message displays asking you to wait while soware is installed. Aer a
few minutes, NETGEAR genie prompts you to insert your adapter.
5. Inset the adapter into a USB port on your computer.
6. Return to the NETGEAR genie screen and click the Next button.
NETGEAR genie displays a list of wireless networks in your area.
Standalone Driver Installation
1. Insert the resource CD in your computer CD drive.
Note: If your computer does not have a CD drive, download the
WNA1000Mv2 resource CD driver by visiting http://support.netgear.com.
Click the Support For Home button and enter WNA1000Mv2 in the
search field.
If the Resource CD screen does not display, browse the files on the CD and
double-click Autorun.exe.
The NETGEAR Resource CD screen displays.
2. Click the Install Windows Standalone Driver button
The driver installs on your computer.
3. When prompted, insert the adapter into a USB port on your computer.
Package Contents
1. Insert the resource CD in your computer CD drive.
Note: If your computer does not have a CD drive, download the
WNA1000Mv2 resource CD driver by visiting http://support.netgear.
com. Click the Support For Home button and enter WNA1000Mv2 in
the search field.
If the Resource CD screen does not display, browse the files on the CD
and double-click Autorun.exe.
The NETGEAR Resource CD screen displays.
Adapter Resource CD