500 Lb. (227 kg)
Diameter 33 Lb. (15 kg) 50 Lb. (23 kg) 50 Lb. (23 kg) Accu-Trak™
in. (mm) Steel Spool Fiber Spool Coil Drum (20 in.)
.045 (1.2) ED031583 ED031586 ED031589 ED031592
.052 (1.3) ED031584 ED031587 ED031590 ED031593
1/16 (1.6) ED031585 ED031588 ED031591 ED031594
Mild Steel Metal-Cored Wire (AWS E70C-6M H8)
When you’re welding heavy-duty materials in demanding environments like structural steel, heavy equipment,
agricultural, or automotive component manufacturing, you need a highly productive wire. Metalshield MC-706
is built for productivity throughout the welding process. MC-706 even welds well over mill scale to reduce
prep time. A stiff sheath aids in improving the feedability of the wire, and few metal-cored products compare
in terms of bead shape and appearance. Not only does MC-706 reduce the amount of silicate islands, it also
moves the silicate islands away from the toes and into the center of the bead, making it easier to remove the
silicon and minimize cleanup time.
Advantage Lincoln
• Minimal silicate islands – reduces/eliminates cleaning.
• Silicate placement away from the toes of the weld – makes
removal easier/makes it easier to visually inspect weld.
• Excellent wash-in and bead appearance – enhances weld
bead appearance and improves overall weld quality.
• Stiffer sheath – excellent feedability.
• Excellent performance over mill scale – reduces joint
preparation time.
• Minimal spatter when welding over mill scale – can reduce
cleaning time.
• ISO14001 and 9001 certified – manufactured to standards for
environmental and quality management systems.
Welding Positions
Typical Applications
• High speed fillet welds on lap and T-joints.
• Robotic and hard automation.
• Weldments over mill scale where spatter must be minimized.
• Weldments that are coated after welding.
• Weldments where weld quality, weld productivity, and weld
appearance are of utmost importance.
• Out-of-position welding can be done with a pulsed spray or
short-arc welding procedure.
Shielding Gas
75-92% Argon / Balance CO
Flow Rate: 40-60 CFH
Not recommended for use with 100% CO
AWS A5.18-01: E70C-6M H8
ASME SFA-5.18: E70C-6M
CWB/CSA: E492C-6M-H8
Diffusible Hydrogen - As required per AWS A5.18-01
(mL/100g weld deposit), 75% argon/25% CO
shielding gas
Requirements (AWS E70C-6M H8): <8
Test Results: 3-5
Charpy V-Notch
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation ft•lbf (Joules)
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) (%) @ -20ºF (-29ºC)
AWS E70C-6M H8 58,000 (400) 70,000 (483) 22 20 (27)
As Welded min. min. min. min.
Test Results
59,000–62,800 72,500–77,400
75% Ar/25% CO
2 (407–433) (500–534) (37–65)
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES – As Required per AWS A5.18-01
Publication C3.11.2 1/06