The Hasselblad H5D-50c – the worlds rst CMOS medium format
camera – represents a huge leap forward in camera development
and will break new grounds for photographers that now will be
able to shoot with the ultimate in image quality regardless of
lighting condition. The extremely good high-ISO performance will
lift available light photography to new heights and signicantly
widen the usability of the Hasselblad H System cameras.
The camera is backed by a lens range of 12 extremely high perfor-
mance lenses – outperforming even the iconic Carl Zeiss lenses
for the classic V System. The added Wi-Fi capability provides an
even more exible camera where you can use iPhone/iPad to con-
trol the camera and view images conveniently even on location.
The H5D-50c has been developed with one goal: to produce the
best image quality possible. The result is stunning and paired
with the user-friendliness and wealth of functionality, it is maybe
one of the best cameras ever designed. Pick it up, feel the grip,
look through the viewnder and you will have a hard time putting
it down.
• 50 Mpixel CMOS sensor with amazing image quality
• Excellent high ISO performance (ISO 100 - 6400)
• Longer shutter speeds up to 34 minutes. No extra black
exposure is required.
• Faster capture rate: 1.5 frames per second
• Live Video with high frame rate
• Live View on rear display
• Built-in Wi-Fi
• Much improved camera handling
• Improved weather sealings
• True Focus auto-focus system with Absolute Position Lock and
camera controls.
• A range of 12 high performing lenses with built-in central shutter.
The H5D-50c camera system has been especially designed to meet
demands for both exibility and ultimate image quality. This includes:
• the freedom to choose between eye-level and waist-level view-
nders both providing the best viewnder image on any camera.
• the choice of combining point-and–shoot and tilt/shift to solve
creative commercial challenges.
• the ability to combine working tethered and untethered to get
the most of your camera system both on location and in the
• the option of processing your raw images in Hasselblad’s
Phocus imaging toolbox, or working with your raw images
directly in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.
• Phocus Mobile application (iPhone/iPad) for camera control and
image browsing tethered or on location.