HUSB Installation Manual
Doc No. 910-00003-01 Rev 05
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1. Overview
The Cypress Envirosystems Wireless Pneumatic Thermostat (WPT) retrofits an
existing pneumatic thermostat to provide Direct Digital Control (DDC) like zone
control functionality at a fraction of the time and cost without disturbing occupants.
The WPT enables remote monitoring of zone temperature, branch pressure, remote
control of setpoints, and programmable setback or setup of the pneumatic HVAC
systems. It also enables integration with utility Demand Response programs.
The WPT USB Hub (HUSB) is required to connect the WPT wireless network to the
WPT Green Box. One HUSB is required per WPT wireless network. The HUSB is
connected to the WPT Green Box on the USB port.
1.1. Components
The WPT-800-HUSB kit includes the following components:
• HUSB – USB Hub
• Universal wall bracket
• Mounting screws, #6 x 1” self-tapping (x2)
• USB cable
1.2. Prerequisites for Installation
The WPT system relies on a wireless network for communication. The following
tasks must be completed before proceeding to HUSB installation:
• Installation of the WPT Green Box
• Assignment of network ID
Manuals for the WPT, WPT Green Box, HUSB and other manuals related to the WPT
system can be found at http://www.cypressenvirosystems.com/wpt-downloads.php.
1.3. Tools Required for Installation
• Phillips-head screw driver
2. HUSB Installation
The overall HUSB installation procedure includes:
• Mounting the HUSB
• Configuring the HUSB